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I know that motherhood is sometimes swollen ankles, stretch marks, and not always feeling your prettiest, but I'm here to capture the joy of life growing inside of you! Find joy in your baby bump and wear it proudly! I offer maternity sessions as well as maternity & newborn packages.


Deposit of 50% due at time of booking to reserve slot and time. 


1 hour maternity session ~ $150

Includes 35+ edited high quality photos delivered in a custom online gallery with easy download. 



  • I recommend bringing 2 outfits for this session as well as any clothes/shoes you have for your child, ultrasound pictures, or decor to add to the session! If you are bringing along your significant other, try to color coordinate your outfits!

  • Elegant maternity gowns to show off your baby bump can be found on Amazon for fairly cheap!

  • Ideal time for maternity pictures is 35 weeks.

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